A few days ago, in an interview with Gene was asked whether it is true that the upcoming tour “End of the Road” will be the last opportunity for fans to see a live performance of the legendary KISS tour. He said, ” it’s real. And I’ll tell you why it’s real. Because I’m 69 years old and I have almost no hair left on my head. On the back, however, there is still a little. I wear boots at concerts on a 20-centimeter platform, my stage costume weighs almost 20 kilograms. I have to spit fire, fly through the air and do other mind-blowing things. If Mick Jagger or Bono had done it, they would have blown away in half an hour.

We are the most hardworking band in show business. But it’s time to go, and now is the right time kiss farewell tour 2019 dates. We’ll leave with dignity when we have strength. No one wants to see four old fat guys with slack jaws on stage… So it will be a long tour, it will last two or three years, and maybe longer. This is our last opportunity to show everything we have achieved in 45 years, ” concludes Jean Simmons.
Recall that KISS announced a farewell tour ” End of the Road” in September, and two weeks ago, the group released the first list of dates and cities in North America and in some other countries. The entire 2019 year has already been painted in detail. The tour will start on January 31 in Vancouver, Canada, and the last performance is scheduled for December 3 In new Zealand. The tour will cover the whole of North America and most European countries, including Russia. KISS will perform in St. Petersburg and Moscow on 11 and 13 June, respectively. From Europe, they will move to Australia and New Zealand. It turns out that the whole of Asia, both Near and South-East, Africa and South kiss tour 2019 united states America remain uncovered. It is known that on these continents KISS have a lot of fans, so they can not come there. So that them and three years may not be enough.
It is known that the composition of the group has experienced numerous changes over the years, and now it includes Jean Simmons, Paul Stanley, Tommy Thayer and Eric singer. Recently Jean has hinted that ACE Frehley and Peter criss might take part in several concerts of the farewell tour, but this information is not confirmed officially.